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Please click the secured weblink above to make donations using PayPal. All major forms of credit and debit cards are accepted.

“No one has ever become poor by giving.”


― Anne Frank, diary of Anne Frank





From time to time, the Batibo community may face some challenges it needs to handle urgently. Sometimes, it may be just a members desire to sponsor a particular project that BCDA can help coordinate. This could be to at home or in the USA.


This page is designed for that purpose. By clicking the secured weblink to your left and stating the purpose for which your donation is made, BCDA - USA will ensure your money is channeled to the approporiate person or project, and for the stated purpose. BCDA - USA is a non-profit organization. Donations made to BCDA-USA may be tax-deductible. Please print your reciept and review deductibility with an IRS professional when filing your taxes.

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